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It's good idea, but we have to find theme fro conversation...



Wonderful theme! Let's firstly talk about what is English in your life for? Why did we learn it so hard for 10 or more years, how do we use it at work, at home etc.



for now, i'd use my english to proclaim that "the weekend has landed" © "human traffic" :) it wasn't a tough week though

leave your offices and get some fresh air now :)



Friday comes!!!! Tasty smell of freedom.  :rolleyes:  Our universe is unlimited, it means that everything is possible! Right now! I feel it leaving my office!

Rather good title of topic. "Hyde park" That place in western London area has special site where everybody can impove  his oratorical skills. Whose idea it was?



I feel very happy that I had a chance to learn English. Especially speaking skills.  (my grammar still wishes more). Unfortunately it is not so much use for it in the central part if Siberia. Tried to find any legal job somehow connected with English, but it's a mission and half.

Sometimes it helps  to ocassionally join conversation at the streets with foreigns, and several times a year at workplace, to translate some charter documents or  instruments.  As for business matters,  chinese is more preferrable in our region :)



i'm living now in finland.it is really complicated to imagine my life here without knowledge of english! first time when i didn't know finnish language enough for communication, the english was my only rescue. it is really nice that even in such a small city where i'm living here, almost everybody speaks english!



Rather good title of topic. "Hyde park" That place in western London area has special site where everybody can impove  his oratorical skills. Whose idea it was?

It was Rain`s idea! :)



first time when i didn't know finnish language enough for communication, the english was my only rescue. it is really nice that even in such a small city where i'm living here, almost everybody speaks english!

I think it's also about my present situation. Sometimes I feel myself oddly enough listening to the dutch speech, at once I recall our german guests in Krasnoyarsk and their uncomprehending faces  :huh: But I also do not complain of my job , I don't have much oral practice but have to write different papers in english and translate documents from one language to another.  ;)



Nice weather today. Quite excellent. Mild and soft wind. Spring night - what a miracle.
Admiring every moment of that time.  Moment is a gift, indeed.

Alexei, where do you work?

p.s. Gonna change my userpic, need any advice for choosing an avatar icon, esp websites, programs operating with .gif format

p.p.s. Rain - great thanks for the Hyde park!!!!!



Alexei, where do you work?

There was a topic in the forum somehere you can try to find it using key words  :rolleyes: Generally speaking it's a VoIP provider and that is specific of my work there.

I also have a question concerning the userpic, I tried to change it (to set as a userpic a small photo) but it didn't work. May be Rain as one of the admins  ;)  will give us an advice. If you also wish to find some interesting pics you can just print a word avatar (in russian letters  :) ) in google or other searching system.  ;)



Rather useful advice, many thanks.  :lol:
Already done, everything I find is not suitable, cause I need smth which would reflect me as a person. But nothing to compare.

As for me, now I work at telecommunication company, very particular business I should say.



As for me, now I work at telecommunication company, very particular business I should say.

Glad to greet my colleague here. What company if it's not a secret?






How interesting, I know there was a vacancy not long ago, quite a goog place to work I must say. If I am not mistaken we have a contractual relationships with Golden.



I'd spotted that vacant position too. Rather resultative :)  I should say. From first glance - fine place to work and improve myself. I'm glad.  B) 



I'm curious about such private affair as people's sleeptime.

For example, from Monday till Saturday I spend about 6-7 hours asleep per whole day. I work full time, then postgraduate study (at home mostly). As for me 6-7 hours of sleeping is completely insufficient. :blink:

And how much time for you?

And also, if anybody knows something about such averages in other countries.



don't think it depends on the country where people live. I have also an interest in this topic. And as far as I see it depends mostly on the organism of a concrete person. E.g. it's enough for some people to have 4 hours of sleep, and for me it's about 9 hours, though I can spend weeks sleeping less than 8 hours. The average medical norm is from 9 hours to the young people to 7 or less hours to the pensioners, the average time for the brain recovery is 7-9 hours, so I usually try to sleep no less than 7 hours.  :)

Отредактировано Alexei (2006-05-15 21:52:11)



Lucky you are. Perhaps, 7 hours as well enough for me to be fit, but always take problems getting up for a work. Hm, sounds more psychological, than physical. But anyway at saturday I sleep 'bout 10 hours.

Had interesting experience, working full day after last Lawyer's Night with 3 hours sleep. Still have the job :)



A little bit more about psychology. There was an occasion in my life a couple of years ago when I had been sleeping for about 5-6 hours a day during one week but was in good spirits. It was connected with the enthusiasm that we felt during the rewarding ceremony of the winners of Potanin scholarship in Novosibirsk. I do not remember how long I slept after that but I guess that more than 10 hours  :)  .






Hey-hey-hey everybooooodyyyy!!!!

It seems, that activity in that marvellous topic is fading. What the matter?

Whatever - studying,  clubbin' , even working
Anyway - your blood still pumpin'
Never believe that you have no time at all
Throw away your after-busy-day vomit,
Let's post something my friend - go for it!

Heh, white poems. All city without hot water, but our few houses.



You still have hot water? Something for our engineers to fix...   :D



Jealous? heh, yeah, we still have hot water. And no reasons to switch it off. Meanwhile, all city has a really hot times without hot water, I'm gonna take a bath :D

Ehhh, next week starts with exam on philosofy.



Philosophy? I thought that you had another queer subject instead of our favourite pholosophy.. Anyway, good luck!



Luck - is a very unusual thing. Everybody can taste it, at least once. But what is it?

I think luck - is like an ability to spot useful things in certain situations.  Because, only fact that something useful is happend is not enough, you need to recognize it in a certain moment.

.... And what about my "queer" subject???? What kind of subjects you talking about?



Guess, that you have overstudied pholosophy..  :D  it happens from time to time especially when you become thoroughly engrossed in subject.
I mean that postgraduates have to pass the history and the pholosophy of science, not philosophy that we had been studying long ago (some of us not so long ago, just a year ago B) ). Olga Kylina said that it is a very amusing subject. Do you know whether she is going to pass it whith you?



Unfortunately, I'm not overstudied. Shame with me. Yes, I know 'bout Olga. Saw her today on consultation. And some other OSP fellas.

That "particuar" subject as history and the pholosophy of science made confused everybody, including philosofy department staff. And the main paradigma of all staff comments on passing that exam is "I know that I do not know anything".
So it would be more than exam, it's so styled quest.



Ugly Monday. No hot water spotted at home. Those people with big wrenches are so unmercyful.  Weather is also cruel, but quite suitable to study smth at home.  But there is no hot water at home.



One of my favorite poems:


SHE walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

          (George Gordon (Lord) Byron)